Whether you're a brand looking for an influencer to create video reviews for your products or an Amazon influencer looking to spy on your competitors, these little tricks will come in handy.
Oh, and all of these methods are free! I will share some resources if you want to spend money on some premium tools, but the tips I'm gonna show you here will likely be all you'll need.
How to Find an Amazon Influencer's Storefront Using a Cool Google Search Operator
There are a couple of lesser known Google search operators that pro browsers know about. One of them is an inurl: search.
Using this operator allows us to browse all of the indexed pages on a website that include a certain name. If you're looking for a specific influencer, you could type in their name or their brand name.
The URL you'll want to search is this: amazon.com/shop.
This is the format for all Amazon influencer storefront pages as of writing.
If someone was trying to find my influencer storefront, their query would look like this.
Clicking on the profile would take you directly to my storefront where they could review my videos and see if I was someone they wanted to work with.
Pretty cool? Let's continue.
How to Find Amazon Influencers Through Amazon Live
Although not all influencers go live on Amazon, many of the best ones do. It's a good sign that an influencer is pretty serious and likely high quality.
You can find influencers who go live by heading to https://www.amazon.com/live/browse
You can then browse by categories. For example, if you need someone in the fitness space, you can see those creators on the page and it will direct you to https://www.amazon.com/live/browse/fitness.
There are a lot of categories for lives, so we can also use another Google search operator if we want to explore all of those.
How to Find Amazon Influencers with #FounditonAmazon (Now Just Amazon Finds)
Head over to this url https://www.amazon.com/finds and you'll see influencer videos from products. You can filter by interest.
How to Find Amazon Influencers Through Social Media
All Amazon influencers are on some form of social media. It's a requirement to get approved.
You can find them on...
- TikTok
Luckily, hashtags make it easy to find these folks.
You can get creative with how you use this feature, but the key hashtags you should look for are...
- #AmazonFinds
- #AmazonFashion
- #AmazonDeals
- #AmazonMustHave
- #AmazonHome
- #AmazonHaul
- #AmazonFashion
- #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt
- #FoundItOnAmazon
If you find a creator, you can try to message them directly on the platform. You can also double check that they are on the Amazon influencer program by going back to the first method we covered and searching their name after the inurl:amazon.com/shop/ Google search operator.
How to Find Amazon Influencers from Your Competitors (Brands)
If you're a brand looking for influencers to promote your products, why not start with the people who are already making videos for your competitors?
Listen, influencers don't usually have extreme brand loyalty. Even if they're paid to do a review, they almost never have any sort of stipulation saying that they can't review other products.
You can see the influencer review videos on your competitors product listing pages in several locations.
First, in the upper carousel. Although not always, many influencer videos will appear on the upper portion of the listing.
Click on the videos and you'll see a list of creators who have left video reviews. If they have "Earns Commissions" below their name, it means they are an official Amazon influencer.
If there aren't any videos at the top of the product page, don't worry, there is another spot that they might be.
Scroll down to what we call the "lower carousel."
It will usually be between the product information section and just above the product guides and documents.
The upper carousel has a limit of 6 videos (although the do experiment with this and make it more or less sometimes) so even if you find influencers there, you can find more at the lower carousel which holds up to 3 pages of videos.
Using Paid Services to Find Amazon Influencers
There are a number of paid programs that help connect brands with influencers. The biggest names include...
If there are any I've missed, let me know down in the comments. These are just the biggest names that cater very specifically to Amazon influencers and not just influencers in general.
Facebook Groups for Finding Amazon Influencers
There are dozens of free Facebook groups full of hungry Amazon influencers looking for products to review. You can post your opportunity and rates and you're almost guaranteed to get a lot of interest.
Many of these influencers won't be great though, so be sure to vet them closely.
These are many other groups, but these are a good place to start.