Did Amazon Remove Questions and Answers? Here’s Where They Went

Amazon Q-A

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Did you notice something missing from Amazon product pages recently? The questions and answers area is now replaced with a simple search bar. 

If you're like me, you didn't like that. 

Based on the feedback on Amazon's page here, I can tell I'm not alone. 

Amazon buyers aren't happy with the hidden Q+A decision

What Happened to Amazon's Questions and Answers?

Amazon hasn't explicitly stated why, but they did in fact remove questions and answers from product pages and now require shoppers to manually ask questions and hope there is a relevant answer. 

As with all changes that happen on Amazon though, surely this is based on conversion rates. We can only assume that these Q+A areas didn't help conversion rates overall. If they did, I doubt they've have removed them. 

Also, the fact that anyone can answer questions could be problematic. Perhaps that played a part in this decision. But for now, it's only Amazon really knows. 

How to See Amazon Product Questions and Answers

While it isn't ideal, there is a simple workaround to find all of a product's questions and answers.

Simply append the ASIN of the product you're interested in at the end of this URL. 


Here's an example link https://www.amazon.com/ask/questions/asin/B0989YML7R.

The page will look something like this...

Amazon questions and answers page

This process is super important in the Amazon Influencer program. We can use these Q+As to basically generate sales copy for our video reviews that will make them convert better. 

So I made a video for my community specifically dedicated to using this for that. You can check that out below. 

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