I Finally Left WP Engine Hosting for My Blog | 2023 WPX Hosting Coupon Code

WPX Hosting Review

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Let me preface this article by saying that WP Engine is a fantastic company. Their support was always world class and I am thankful for all their help over the past 3 years. I don't like to tear down good companies, but I needed to make a change for the best interest of my business and it's important that I share my reasonings with my readers.

WPX Hosting Discount

About 3 years ago, I decided to go all in on my hosting and purchased WP Engine. I went with the "if it's expensive, it's good," approach. 

WP Engine was exactly that, good. It wasn't great.

I was having a particularly difficult time with my mobile page speed. In 2019, Google announced that mobile load times would impact rankings, so this was something I really wanted to improve.  

After doing countless tweaks to my site, I couldn't get my mobile speed to improve. I was consistently getting mobile speed rankings in Google page insights below 20 and AHREFs was showing 329 pages that were extremely slow. 

Not ok, it was time for a change. 

One of the go to experts in the SEO space that I trust is a guy named Matthew Woodward. Matthew did an AMAZING case study testing 12 different hosts on WordPress

The results were shocking. 

I highly recommend you read his entire article here, to understand why I switched to the host he recommended.

Which Host I Switched To

After reading Matthew's article, I felt like I had no choice but to switch to WPX Hosting.

According to his tests, WPX Hosting recorded a Pingdom page load time of 296 ms in the US while WP Engine clocked in at 1820 ms.

The same test on GT Metrix was even more compelling for WPX Hosting compared to WP Engine with a page load time of 0.7 seconds compared to WP Engine's time of 2.27 seconds.

Near Instant Results

After switching, my mobile scores skyrocketed as did my desktop speeds.

WPX Hosting Coupon Code

You will surely get to the checkout page and see a spot for a discount code, so here it is.


WPX Hosting is OBJECTIVELY the best hosting provider you will find in the world. Use that long, random coupon code and get 25% off today.

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