Looking to up your marketing game in 2019? Here are some Excel templates that will help make marketing more manageable and free printable timesheet templates for you or your employees.
1. Annual Marketing Calendar Template
Preparing a yearly online marketing schedule is a pretty formidable undertaking, but it has its perks. While organizing your business calendar way ahead of time may seem troublesome and unnecessary at first, it will actually save you a lot of time and money in the long run.
The Annual Marketing Calendar template from Smartsheet allows you to formulate both annual and monthly marketing plans. The template enables you to input both goal driven and raw marketing data in one place – you can indicate the goals on top and the marketing efficiency at the bottom.
What’s great about this annual calendar is that it has sections that you can customize and allocate for the different aspects of your online marketing strategy: sales, press releases, email, content, social media, advertising, and more. Updating and monitoring the sheets at least once or twice a month should help you keep track of your goals and hit your yearly targets.
2. Blog Editorial Calendar Template
Since content is referred to as the beating heart of every online marketing strategy, your blog topics have to be thoroughly planned and thought out. Organizing your entries with the Blog Editorial Calendar from Hubspot will help make your campaign more effective.
Using the template is an efficient way to assign topics, strategize keywords, and ensure that tasks are delivered on schedule. It’s the perfect tool for those who are working on blogs with a collaborative team.
3. Social Media Content Calendar
The Blog Editorial Calendar assists you with planning and organizing your blog entries, but what about your social media posts?
Lucky for you, Hubspot also developed the Social Media Content Calendar to lend you a hand with social media marketing. The template is designed to help you keep tabs on all your content ideas and strategically distribute them, so you never run out of things to post.
4. Annual Marketing Budget Template
Marketing budgets are vital in aligning your business goals and spending. A business has to allocate its budget properly to stay afloat. While unexpected expenses are inevitable, appropriate distribution of funding helps ensure that financial issues are averted.
Smartsheet developed an easy-to-use template that totals your expenditures on a quarterly and annual basis. Though this template is intended for annual budget planning, you can also use it to track your taxes and monthly expenses.
When they said “easy-to-use,” they were not kidding. Basically, all you have to do is input the nature of your outgoing costs on the left column and your spending on the monthly columns on the right.
5. On-page SEO Template
SEO is a crucial factor in producing a successful digital marketing campaign, but anybody who has ever worked with SEO knows just how much of a hassle it can be at times. The hundred-and-one things that need to be reviewed, updated, and kept up with on a daily basis can cause major headaches unless you find a way to deal with them wisely.
The On-page SEO template lets you manage your URLs, page titles, CTAs, headings, alt texts, and internal links in one place. It is a gem of a tool that makes SEO more convenient for experts and newbies alike.
6. Marketing Metrics Template
You won’t know how fast or slow your company is growing unless you track its progress. And since ROI is everything in the online marketing realm, an Excel template that can quickly calculate ROI with a given data set comes extremely handy.
With this template, you can use data points to measure traffic, leads, and conversions from the time you started your campaign up to the present.This Marketing Metrics template from Hubspot is a simpler and less complicated method of assessing the success of your marketing efforts.
7. SMART Goal Planning Templates
Goals are your fundamental and most powerful driving force. Having a clear picture of where you want to be and which direction to steer your company will help you determine your priorities and maximize your marketing efforts.
If you ever need help in devising and achieving your marketing objectives, give SMART Goal Planning templates a try. Since templates are designed with the key aspects of goal achievement in mind, they can be valuable tools in helping you streamline your marketing strategy and set your team up for success