Looking for your next great read? Here are 6 books I enjoyed in 2023 that I recommend.
#1 The Psychology of Money
This is not your typical “here’s how to get rich,” or “here’s how to save away money until you’re so old you forget your name” type of book.
This book explains why and how humans view and handle money and provides some insights into correcting our natural but illogical relationship with it.
I’ve read countless books on finance but this one hit differently.
Rarely does a book have as big of an impact on my views as this one did. Not to mention on such an important topic.
I highly recommend it, but don’t expect a DFY plan of attack on growing wealth.
#2 Futureproof: 9 Rules for Humans in the Age of Automation by Kevin Roose
Let’s face it, most of us have felt a bit of robot dread recently.
Things in the world of AI are moving at an extremely fast pace and knowing what the not so distant future holds is something worth considering.
This books dives into the important considerations.
It doesn’t give the cheesy over simplification I’m seeing a lot lately. The “AI good and you’re missing out because you’re scared of it” approach.
Instead, it gives an unbiased view of all angles of the future of AI and its risks and lets the reader come to their own conclusion.
#3 You Look Like a Thing and I Love You by Janelle Shane
A humorous but insightful dive into what AI is and isn't.
#4 Hidden Genius by Polina Marinova Pompliano
This book delves into the mental frameworks that set apart truly exceptional individuals.
Through her extensive research, Pompliano reveals that top performers employ unique mental strategies that change their worldview, allowing them to tap into their hidden potential. The book provides readers with a toolkit derived from the world's most successful minds, aiding in problem-solving, relationship navigation, and fostering creativity during uncertain times. Readers have lauded the book for its actionable insights and its compilation of invaluable advice from various disciplines
#5 Buy Back Your Time by Dan Martell
I loved his book "Who Not How" so I bought this the second I saw it.
It's one of those books that shares a lot of what you might already know but in a way that it feels new, inspiring and highly actionable.
#6 Discipline Is Destiny by Ryan Holiday
This book is wildly motivating. I buy everything that Holiday releases, but this one is now my favorite.