I couldn't ignore them anymore, solo ads had been mentioned too many times by influencers that I know and trust.
- "I got hundreds of leads for less than 50 cents each!"
- "This is the FASTEST way to grow your email list!"
- "Solo ads are my NUMBER #1 source of new email sign ups."
I was seeing this weekly in Facebook forums and YouTube videos.
Although it sounded too good to be true, as a marketer, I couldn't at least give solo ads a try.
The concept is perfectly sound. My biggest reservation was the quality of the traffic I'd get.
I left my reservations aside and placed my first order.
I even signed up for the $19.99/month Udimi premium plan that promised better tracking and some other stuff. I was sold at better tracking. I'm a metrics nerd.
I wasn't expecting massive results. It was an experiment to satisfy my own curiosity and if I got big results, that was just a bonus.
NOTE: This is NOT another Udimi affiliate post where I use a clickbait headline and end up actually promoting Udimi in the end OR an affiliated competitor. Although my experience was with one solo ad seller, it led me to uncover some of Udimi's own shady practices. For that reason, I do NOT recommend Udimi. If you're considering them, please read this entire article first! I am not trying to sell you anything like the 95% of other Udimi blog posts are. I am trying to save you money AND prevent you from permanently damaging your future email deliverability rates.
What Is a Solo Ad?
Solo ads are paid promotions, purchased by people looking to drive traffic to a sales or landing page and sold by people who have audiences (typically email lists) that would be interested in visiting the ad buyer's page.
Customers buying solo ads will typically pay a flat rate for a certain number of visitors to the website of their choosing. There are other types of solo ads, but these are the most common. There are multiple 3rd party networks that connect people selling ads with people who are buying them.
There is nothing illegal or sinister about the process on the surface. Unfortunately, there are a lot of scammers in the space. That was to be expected. It was the corruption inside the Udimi network that facilitates many of these scammers and covers up their shadiness for their own financial gain that concerned me the most.
Here is the first purchase I made.
I purchased 200 visitors for $88. The traffic was going to this opt-in page that promotes a free lead magnet that promises to help people create their own email sequences.
The opt-in leads to it's own email sequence (how could it not?) I know how much money a legitimate subscriber should net me once they are added to the email sequence automation. Paying $0.44/lead would be a money press for me IF the leads we legitimate and interested in what I offer.
Note: If this seller had any sense, he would have rejected my buy request when he saw I was at least claiming to be an email marketing expert. It's highly unlikely he even visited the 2 step opt-in funnel before he started sending traffic to it.
The purchase started off really well!
The seller, let's call him Adrian Costan, sent me (allegedly) 45 visitors.
Of those 45 visits, "16" filled out the form to download the free email sequence workbook.
45 visitors with 16 conversions is pretty solid. 35% conversion rates is definitely in line with what I had expected.
I opened up Clickfunnels to see how the traffic was converting.
This is what I saw.
**Cue the red flags**
A number of things concerned me here.
- There were only 12 page views (not 45). Also, there were more uniques than total... it should always be the other way around.
- There were 16 opt-ins of the 12 total page views. Someone opted in 2x, which does actually happen from time to time).
- Only 5 people saw the thank you page. This number should have been 16 since it's the next step after opt-in always. And yes, the funnel works if you're wondering 🙂
As sketchy as this seemed, I didn't rush to conclusions right away.
I did prioritize getting to the bottom of this though because I knew the lasting impact emailing people without their actual consent has on deliverability rates (more on that in a minute).
So, I opened up ConvertKit to see if the new subscribers were opening the confirmation email they received when they opted-in.
Note: I use ConvertKit to actually send emails to my subscribers. I have it integrated it with Clickfunnels since I love the sales page functionality of Clickfunnels but hate their email system.
Here is what I saw...
Not a single one of the opt-ins had confirmed their download!
**Cue the alarms**
At this point, I reached out to ConvertKit customer support to make sure that I wasn't crazy. I needed to know this before I actually did go crazy on this guy.
**Cue the bell to start the boxing match **
The evidence was in, it was time to confront this dude.
Here is our conversation (this was all done via the Udimi messaging portal).
This was priceless.
He wanted me to message all these users again, even though my automation has just done that and none of them confirmed.
His suggestion was to FURTHER increase my chances of them reporting me as SPAM.
It got better...
How nice of him... "there isn't anything in it for him.'
Mother f*cker, I'm going to get you booted from this site forever. You're days are numbered. You've NEVER had a better reason to care than right now.
But wouldn't you know it, as I tried to answer his question about why he was hiding, he pulls the ultimate admission of guilt and blocks me.
**Cue seeing red due to rage**
Why Fraudulent Solo Ads Are So Dangerous
Now, this wasn't about the $88. I spend hundreds of dollars a week on advertising for various businesses.
This was about my IP reputation.
Email inbox providers like Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail use what's called an IP reputation to determine whether or not your email should be delivered to an inbox.
One of the big reasons IP reputation can be damaged is spam complaints. Fortunately, I haven't received any yet from the opt-ins I emailed.
"Spam complaints are a big part of reducing your sender score. Each complaint you get is like sending a message directly to the ISPs that their users do not trust your company. If you get too many spam complaints with a specific ISP, they can choose to just push all of your emails directly to the spam folder. Imagine if all your YAHOO recipients never see your message from an email blast because Yahoo has decided to put you in the spam folder." - Via SendinBlue.com
Email marketing is my biggest source of sales and conversions. The slightest change in deliverability rates can cost me $1,000s of dollars a month.
"How would a bad solo ad negatively impact deliverability? Why would they report you as spam?" You may be wondering.
Here's what's happening here.
This person has legitimate emails BUT he obtained them in illegitimate ways.
Have you ever gotten a "confirm your email address," email for something you didn't opt-in to?
I get them all the time. I got one this weekend in fact.
I've never heard of Dicord, but Killing Dragons is a bad ass username I must admit.
My first reaction is to mark these sorts of emails as SPAM, but I don't. I know that it was unlikely that the person sending the email is spamming me on purpose.
They are likely only guilty by association (in the eyes of the law) just like I was with the 15-ish people who got my confirmation email.
Adrian (the seller) did his best to cover his tracks but he messed with the wrong person this time.
I am savey enough in this business to sniff out a scammer and petty enough to devote a few hours to blogging about it 🙂
The Cover Up
Now, I’m not one to throw the baby out with the dishwater. I’m not at all saying solo ads aren’t a viable method for list building when done right, with the right people.
However, I will never use Udimi again. I will never recommend them and I will warn my fellow internet marketing affiliates to avoid promoting them as well.
Note: They have a terrific affiliate program in terms of earning potential. That is why you see so many videos and posts singing their praises.
It isn’t because of this one person that I'm turning my back on Udimi.
Here is why I'm cutting them off...
They aren’t interested in protecting customers. They are interested in making sales.
What do they do when someone like me points out obvious fraud?
Fraud that has potentially damaged their business going forward.
First, they give you a full refund.
Ok cool, good start, not done though.
Here is the part that made me lose all trust in them.
They don’t remove the promoter when someone makes a complaint, in fact, they suppress the feedback if the purchase was refunded.
They lump negative feedback for orders that were completed but complained about into the "not delivered" bucket.
This is the feedback that would protect future buyers.
The feedback that could have saved me from buying from a guy like this in the first place and spamming people.
Feedback like this...
Or feedback like these from 2016!
Yes, the same issues I noticed have been going on with this seller for years.
Here is what this would look like in real life if a company were to operate like Udimi.
Imagine you hire a head hunter to help recruit and hire employees for your company (let’s say it’s a bank).
You paid them to connect you with a good, qualified person. A person they vetted and stood behind.
They recommend someone and you hire them.
That new hire then goes and defrauds your customers.
Your reputation takes hit.
The agency says, “Whoops! Sorry! Here’s your money back, we’ve also covered his wages for you because we’re sooooo nice.”
However, you get word that they got the person another job at another bank.
They knew the person was a criminal AND still let it happen again.
Pretty awful, right?
Yeah, internet business is just as much of a business as a brick and mortar one.
How to Do Solo Ads Right (Can You?)
Like I said, I am new to solo ads, but I'm not new to spotting fake traffic, analyzing metrics and exposing scammers.
Like I've said already, there is nothing innately wrong with the concept of solo ads. The problem is that the 3rd party networks are a petri-dish for scammers. It is simply too easy for them to make money with click fraud.
Buyers think they're getting tons of opt-ins and in reality, many of them are getting nothing more than stolen email addresses that will never lead to sales AND can damage their IP reputations.
So, here are some tips to help you prevent the same mistakes I made with my first solo ad.
#1 Don't Work with Udimi or Any Network That Doesn't Immediately Remove Scammers
Even though I'm sure there are tons of great solo ad sellers on the platform, I will never be able to get over the fact that Udimi consciously facilitates scammers.
I have no other recommendations for solo ad companies, so do your own due-diligence.
#2. Know What Metrics Matter
The following metrics matter only after you've confirmed the leads are legitimate. These metrics don't represent a legitimate seller.
- Conversion rate. Scammers will make even the worst landing page convert at mouth watering numbers. Once you verify the traffic is legitimate, this metric is a good way to tell if the audience is relevant enough for you to continue working with them in the future.
- Number of opt-ins. Scammers will send you plenty of opt-ins. It doesn't matter if they don't confirm the opt-in and open future emails.
These things don't matter at all...
- Speed of delivery. You should be suspicious of anyone who sends you a flood of traffic too fast. As long as it's delivered on time, this doesn't matter.
- Positive feedback that doesn't mention anything beyond opt-ins. Many people will rave about an ad sold by a scammer simply because it looks like real results. Most people are not professional email marketers so they might not even realize they are getting screwed.
These things DO matter...
- Email Open Rates After Opt-in. Fake opt-ins won't open emails. You should have a good idea of what your email open rates will look like before you broadcast to new traffic. Low open rates may indicate the audience is either not as relevant as you hoped or completely fraudulent.
- Email CTR (Click Through Rate) After Opt-in. Clicks on your email broadcasts are what really matter. An email list is your source of future traffic that is already paid for. If they aren't clicking on your links, they aren't making you sales or growing your business.
- Sales without Refunds. Udimi does have a sales metric that shows the number of buyers who reported sales. The larger scammers will have to make some fake purchases in order for them to look halfway legitimate. They could do this by purchasing the products themselves and then doing chargebacks OR creating fake buyers accounts, buying their own gigs and reporting sales that didn't actually happen.
- Spam Complaints. If one of your brand new opt-ins reports you as SPAM, you need to take a deep look at your order.
Another big red flag I noticed was in the IP addresses that the seller reported.
The IPs shown on Udimi were perfectly normal. They were what you'd like to see as a buyer.
One interesting thing I found was that Udimi's platform showed a very good spread. Many different browser types, different states and only a few foreign countries. Pretty much the same sort of traffic spread I'd see at my website organically.
Unfortunately, since Udimi swiftly removed the ads history, I can't screenshot this too you or I would. You'll have to take my word for it. It looked totally legit.
However, when analyzing my opt-ins from Clickfunnels, I noticed a huge issue. All but one of the opt-ins were from the same place.
Ah, beautiful Bucharest, Romania!
It is no wonder people in Bucharest, Romania would scam US citizens for their money.
A little research showed that the average salary there is about $630 USD.
My $88 purchase was nearly 2 months of their average salary.
#3 Immediately Kill Any Campaign That You Suspect May Be Fraudulent
Start with smaller orders and test your results. If you get the slightest whiff of fraud, immediately end the promotion.
If you collected fraudulent emails, remove them immediately and never contact them again. Not even with an apology.
#4 Work with People You Know or Are Recommended by People You Trust
There are great partners you can either collaborate with (Quid Pro Quo sort of value exchanges) or buy promotions from. You don't have to use a 3rd party platform like Udimi to make this happen.
Ok, that's my story 🙂
Let me know in the comments what you think of solo ads!
Hi, really interesting reading this review of solo ads traffic and the depth of knowledge and understanding.In view of this i would invite you to try my traffic on a trial and review it, i believe i supply good quality traffic and would be minimum T1 traffic.Let me know your thoughtsthanks
All…. I repeat ALL solo ads are fraudulent. Don’t give me this crap about only a few sellers are ruining it for others.Hopefully, enough complaints are reported to the Federal Trade Commission and all of these scam sites like Udimi get shut down.
Hey Nate,Thank you for the warning and for devoting the time to write this great blog post.I just started with solo ads and Udimi, bought two solos so far and I can already see this happening to me. First one got a lot of optins but the list is just plain garbage. It’s completely DEAD! No reaction whatsover. I don’t use double optin but the welcome email was only opened 2 times out of more than 50, and the other emails 0% open rate. Would’ve been better if I just flushed my money down the toilet.I’m off Udimi right now and most probably never gonna use it again.I already found some sellers online who look pretty legit as they have their own website and testimonies and everything, who look like they care deeply about their reputation and business, I might go with that.Again thank you Nate for this amazing post, saved me ton.
I have been using Udimi for a very long time, I have never encountered such a one. First, figure out how this service works. Udimi also has support, and in case of questions, you can ask for help at any time. It is very important if you are a beginner to buy solo ads from advanced sellers who work with your niche. Then there will be opt in and sales.
Omg, the last comment with the affiliate link getting removed was hilarious! :DAnyways…great post Nate, i liked it a bunch!I’ve spent a bunch of money on solo ads myself…and i think they do work if you find the correct seller, since getting a more “qualified” lead with solos, is “easier” than with…say…fb ads or bing or google ads. (i mean 35 cent targeted visitors, does sound amazing, right?).But you’re absolutely screwed if you don’t know who to buy solos from…100%Plus, there is some shady, messed up stuff that can happen to you. Like for instance:-There is pretty much nothing that stops a solo ad seller in Udimi, from sending one of your clicks over to a “friend” to have him/her purchase, whatever it is you’re selling on the TY page (if you’re selling something cheap, which is what people will teach you to do), to make it look like “you’ve made a sale”-Most sellers in Udimi…have bought from OTHER sellers in udimi, to grow their lists…I can name a few, right off the top of my head, but you can check the review on their own purchases, right there on Udimi.-Buying “more expensive clicks”, doesn’t work either on Udimi…cause they can potentially just turn around and buy from someone else, for less, and send you that instead, leaving their “own list”, for customers who will buy a $hit tonne of clicks, only to make them happy (and get them as repeat customers).-Keep an eye out for “promoted” sellers. These are the guys who are paying to be put on the top of the marketplace…just so that they can get eyeballs and get sales…not necessarily because they’re any good (most of the time they’ve just bought from other solo ads sellers).And this stuff goes on and on…so be sure to choose a GOOD seller. 😉
lol yeah I was laughing as I typed that one. I LOVE the concept of connecting with people with lists but I just am not sold on anyone selling their list off like that. I just know how much an email list is worth and can’t imagine devaluing it by just selling it off and over contacting it. Thanks for reading and I’m glad you found some that work!
Thank you for proving my point that only affiliates would recommend this by sharing your affiliate link with your great comment. Find me fans who have actual results and don’t bring affiliate links with them if you want me to change my opinion.
I just knew that those reviews that were all talking about how they got sales were somehow fishy, Thanks for the save Nate. I was just about to spend a big $1500 on solo ads. Thanks again BRO!
I actually just started testing Udimi the past couple of days.Not sure why really, but I kept having this odd feeling about it all.I couldn’t really put my finger on exactly what it was. I read everything I could on the site many times. I researched the web and found countless reviews talking about how it is one of the very best places to buy solo ads. Often with people even showing their buys and results.So I thought “well I guess it is okay” and tested it.I did one small test of 100 visitors. Udimi showed they sent 110. What I got from that was 14 opt-ins and 2 account set ups. What is odd though is that each of the free account set ups appeared to immediately leave as soon as they set up their free account. And this site has a ton of stuff to check out. Just a wealth of information, training as well as huge social community aspect.I thought… that’s bizarre. But I know sometimes there are a lot of “tire kickers”.I decided to do 2 more tests of 100 each just to see if different sellers would bring different results.I started thinking about spam emails for some reason so I messaged each of the sellers as well as the help support and asked them about it. I just asked straight out are these visitors coming from an ad being sent to the sellers’ email lists they built from 100% opt-ins. Meaning those people all entered their email address to be placed on the email list to receive information. And are they sending out using THEIR (seller) names and emails or actually using mine. I told them I absolutely wanted to be sure because I did not want any issues with spam complaints. I was told yes three times these are 100% opt-in. And the sellers send the emails using their names as emails instead of pretending to be me.So I felt better about it and placed my buys.I saw the same behavior occurring with the 2nd campaign as the first one. Where people were entering their email. Only this time they didn’t even make any free accounts at all. I did another search and found your article here. Something I wish I had found before instead of all of the articles promoting Udimi.That gave me a sinking feeling and I messaged the 3rd seller telling them to please cancel my order I had decided to test other advertising instead. I then wrote a second message and told them to just keep the money for their time & trouble. When I hit send a message flew up saying I had been blocked. The same as you had shown above. So I contacted the Help and told them about it and that I had attempted to tell the seller to not bother refunding me and told them to give him the money for his time & trouble (answering my questions, preparing to start the campaign and then canceling it).I then messaged the 2nd seller and asked them to stop the campaign after 31 visitors had been sent. I told them to also not worry about a refund. I had just decided to test other things.That one wrote back friendly saying no problem at all they had issued a refund and I should get back the percentage of my money for the visitors not sent.LOL! I imagine I came across as a real pain in the arse to them and wouldn’t be surprised to see my name appear on the banned buyers list if there is such a thing. PARANOID BUYER CANCELS ORDERS – BEWARE! BUT… these people have to realize… for us… we are trying to find REAL ways to grow our business(es) and of course we want to be absolutely sure we are doing things in a way that doesn’t put us at risk for things like can-spam compliance and so forth. It is a huge deal. As you mentioned spam complaints can cause problems across many levels from email provider, etc. More than that there is a huge penalty for every email.And the thing is WE aren’t even the ones sending the dang things and don’t even WANT to spam anyone. I am not saying any of these 3 were or would do that. But for me personally, it is just not worth the risk to get a few hundred visitors to web page. And if it is bots or other “junk” traffic that is much better on the legal side (for us) but still obviously completely worthless for getting any actual results.In the end, the sad thing is we just don’t know what is going on. I think that is the biggest problem with it. No transparency. They could be 100% legit. On the other hand anyone could write anything they want saying “I have a massive opt-in list I have built over the years”. Maybe they do. Maybe they don’t. How do we know?I will say on the Bucharest thing you saw… my guess is that is because all visitors go through Udimi system’s where the filtering is applied and the actual counting of the visitors takes place. Then the visitor is relayed on to the target web page. At least that is my understanding of how it works.I guess I will just finish with… this is the kind of thing we all wish we could rely on 100% know it is all legit. All legal. And know that it is effective (as can be of course we know the landing pages, email follow-ups etc play a huge part in that).Thanks for writing this up. I wish I had come across it before I ever placed that first order. But at the same time, I have screenshots of conversations and so forth should anything come out of it.
Dude, I’ll tell you what, if these were legit, I’d be on a beach somewhere lol We have to ask ourselves, “if these people are legit and buying, why are they selling the clicks and NOT selling to them themselves!?!?”The verified sales aspect is total BS too. These sellers are pros at this. They know they need “sales” so what do they do? They hire people to create free trials. I had one that sent me 42. yes…I’ll spell it out… F-O-R-T-Y—T-W-O ConvertKit opt-ins on less than 500 clicks. Assuming they all had the smallest plan, I’d be making 42 *$9/month…Not a bad ROI. However, every single one cancelled. Every single one opened the first email of the sequence and none thereafter. It’s just not a legit method. Sounds AMAZING on paper but it is trash in practice. Best option is to partner with people in your space and promote each other in relevant ways. Thanks for reading and the detailed expansion on the post! I’m sure there are just thousands of people thinking this same thing but aren’t positive. Hopefully this reassures them that yes, these do stink.
Ha ha. I get what you mean about the very odd behavior of the “people” visiting. I would like to see a few dozen people who are NOT affiliates promoting Udimi and are also not Sellers… do some case studies showing the campaigns over the course of say 10 days. Showing the clicks coming in, opt-ins occurring. Emails opened. Engagement from those emails. And finally even sales.However, I don’t agree with this… “if these people are legit and buying, why are they selling the clicks and NOT selling to them themselves!?!?”Because every advertising source is that way. That is just a legitimate way to monetize and bring in additional revenue.They can ALL do that is they want to. FB why do they sell ads when they could just hire some employees to do nothing but sign up for every product under the sun (or perhaps just Amazon) and all ads be their own.Same for Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. Instead of selling ads on their properties they could just directly promote everything themselves. But then they need to make sales to generate money (unless they are “promoting” pay per lead, etc)So what they all do is sell ads because that is more guaranteed money. It places the risk on the advertisers to actually convert the visitor into a “sale”.It also creates bidding wars that drive prices up higher & higher.If you look at Udimi several of the sellers I saw the Udimi system had text along the lines of “Made 17 sales in the past few days” or something like that. That is like $850+ dollars even towards the lower end. Not sure how much Udimi takes for their cut. If those stats are real then these people are likely making a huge income. And basically a near guaranteed income. There seem to be people all over promoting it.Anyway, I think every advertising source is this way. They sell to us so they can “get their money” and advertisers know they will always have customers.Alright I will try not to fill up the comments anymore with my input. lol
So I read this article and then went and tried Udimi anyways based on somebody else’s recommendation.I carefully researched various sellers.I purchased a solo ad.I noticed that the seller (and many sellers) want single opt in forms to send traffic to.I quickly got a little over the promised amount of optins.Interestingly, my optin form WAS single optin, but it involved setting up a free account including a user name and password.If I hadn’t done that, I may not have known about the things that ended up happening.ALL of my optins had strange and obviously computer generated user names.Each one followed the exact same format (a random word with some random letters followed by a random year in the 20th century).I showed this to the seller and to Udimi support.To be fair to them, the seller promptly refunded all of my money.Support agreed that the optins seemed suspicious although they couldn’t track down the problem.Apparently that seller is now banned from Udimi as a seller.I choose to believe the best, that it was just a mistake or error of some kind.And they did refund my money.Unfortunately I sent out a couple of emails before I figured it all out.I got some unsubscribes with nasty comments (“I never signed up for your **$&W*T list!”) and one spam complaint.I immediately deleted ALL of those contacts from that campaign.I suppose it is possible to find good sellers on Udimi.This is my only experience.But I will have hesitation to try them again.If I had only had a single optin form with just an email and name I would not have known until I started getting more complaints.I am unlikely to try Udimi again until I am an email marketing expert.Although, maybe then I won’t need to.My commitment has very much increased to using double optin systems and making unsubscribing very easy, and simply overall making sure people really want to hear from me and making sure that I send them what they are expecting.I hate spam and hate the fact that I basically unintentionally spammed a bunch of people with 2 emails in a campaign. :-(A Valuable Lesson to learn early on in my email marketing career.Thanks for this post. 🙂
I beginning to suspect that you are absolutely right sir. This is a very poor way of building a list. Thanks for the brave and insightful article. It’s the real deal on solo ads from Udimi, and possibly so many independent solo vendors on the net.
Hey Mark!Yeah I mean I really, REALLY, wish they worked but the fact is, they are just a bunch of fluff. People can try to find the “good ones” but I really don’t think they exist. They all share eachothers lists and send “conversions” that don’t really end up in any sort of revenue. Even the ones with confirmed sales, they are likely either just buying from their own pocket to give the impression of legitimacy or having someone else do it and refund. I’ve decided to stop using them entirely and I’m glad I didn’t build my list off them from the start. Thanks for reading!
Hi Nate. What is your recommendation for the best solo ad company?Or best solo ad seller? Thanks.
Hey, great question. Honestly the best will be people who aren’t on platforms. People you know personally that have real email lists.
I had some great success on Udimi, but you should clearly understand that it depends on your niche. What I mean is you should firstly check it with the seller and choose the best one.
Great post!I have been using Udimi for several years. High-quality traffic, had never seen anything like it before. Very high conversion rates. I can say for sure that Udimi is the best where you can buy solo ads.
Thanks for the post. I tried Udimi last week and got 40 subscribers on a small test run, and only 3 confirmed the subscription. It seems completely bizarre. My first concern was the emails were going into peoples spam folders but it’s through aweber using a company email address I’ve had since 2009. I have begun wondering if the seller sent fake subscribers.
Sorry to learn that, Nate. Were you using two step opt-in for getting leads or was the two step download thing something different? That drops the number of confirmed subscribers for sure, but zero confirmations sounds doesn’t sound good at all. Did you ask the seller like what traffic source(s) he used to build his lists and were they even targeted to your biz op? His could be a health list for eg. which definitely won’t respond to internet marketing niche offers.Definitely a better idea to only work with people you personally know. That’s one reason I stay away from udimi too.
Hey Harshwardhan! Yeah I use double opt-in because if it’s something opted into, they would want to open it and click it. When almost no one did, something was definitely up.
Yep udimi is the pits. I would never use them again.
Thanks for this content Nate.I’ve not yet used Solo Ads, but am now much wiser when I do.Gary
I’ve had some really bad experiences with solo ads as well. Some of which I posted in the Micro Hustle group.There is one sole provider that I know has delivered great results for friends of mine (not me directly). I noticed today that he is on your Facebook friends list. Shoot me a message if you want his name.
Hey Jason!I just found your facebook page “touringfreedom” and sent you a message. :-)I am very interested to know who that solo ad provider is and how I can contact them.I don’t see an option here to subscribe to blog comments so I don’t know if I will be notified if you reply to this message.Blessings.
Hey Nate,Sorry to hear about your experience with Udimi. Thats messed up. I have been using that service for a week now and have had (I think) good results. Many optins and I can also see there are a large number of people opening my emails. I guess it all depends on who you are hiring? I have to say, though, I wont be using this service again for a while. Im going to watch my lists and dig in to them to see if I find anything fishy too…Talk to you soon!Colin
Hey Colin, Yeah I’m assuming that most of the sellers are legit. I’d recommend just checking their open rates and all that to be sure they aren’t fakes like mine. I wish I could recommend Udimi (there are absolutely gigs with buying there I’m sure) but the fact they are letting people like this guy continue to sell is pretty much unforgivable to me haha.
I agree with you. I have moved away from them now. I have a really contact for solo ads now. If you are interested let me know. You got my email and social media info so Ill see you there!
Hi colin, i’m interested in that solo ads contact that you have, can you share it?