Thank You for Arguing by Jay Heinrichs

What Aristotle, Lincoln and Homer Simpson can Teach Us About the Art of Persuasion

October Book of the Month
Nate's Book Recommendations

What I Loved about This Book

My goal with the monthly recommendations is to provide a book that....

  • Is helpful for as many people as possible
  • Is something you likely haven't already read
  • Is as entertaining as it is insightful

Thank You for Arguing is exactly that. The book teaches how to persuade others, but unlike other books on the topic, it doesn't approach it in a way that makes you feel slimy. 

It's not about "controlling" others. It's about expressing your perspective in a way that helps everyone involved. 

The world doesn't need less arguing; it needs BETTER arguing. Arguing that is productive and leaves both sides feeling like they've won. 

"Pop" Psychology

If you're an academic, this book might irk you. If you're not, you'll appreciate that this book makes more complex concepts easier to understand and uses references that most people can relate to.

No Slimy Tactics

You can leverage unethical means of persuasion and get results. Fortunately, this book teaches you methods that are not innately sleezy or manipulative. You won't feel the need to read this book with gloves on or take a shower afterwards.

Easily Implementable

Whether your goal is sales or just getting your kids to go to bed on time, this book has actionable advice you can implement immediately. You do not need to read the book from cover to cover either. The chapters are broken down mostly into individual concepts.

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October Book of the Month

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